Opening half Ihaia West (Toulon) could belong to La Rochelle

Opening half Ihaia West (Toulon) could belong to La Rochelle

After four seasons at La Rochelle (2018 to 2022), the club with which he won the European Cup last season, Ihia West (31) decided to take on a new challenge alongside Toulon in the off-season. The first half has been signed up for three years to June 2025. Despite a convincing start to the season, with 14 games on the clock (including 10 as a starter), the New Zealander is in talks for a return to Stade Rochelle.

To make up for Popelin’s departure?

Was it the signing of Welsh Dan Biggar at fly-half at RCT that changed the game? It is rumored that RCT is looking for JIFF players (from the French squad) in order to respect the regulations imposed by the LNR to align an average of 16 JIFF on all match sheets for this season.

If the arrival of Matthieu Jalibert (UBB) has been mentioned for some time, the track has cooled considerably. At the same time, Stade Rochelais, which is going to lose Pierre Popelin (signed with Castres), is looking for an opener to accompany Antoine Hastoy. Especially since the latter is regularly called up to the France squad, even if center UJ Seuteni can help out at number 10. If West’s return is in the works, all sides still have to find common ground.

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