Online award ceremony on May 31 for the FIV 2020 Best Seafarer of the Year

Online award ceremony on May 31 for the FIV 2020 Best Seafarer of the Year

Tuesday May 11, 2021 – 17:25

Online award ceremony on May 31 for the FIV 2020 Best Seafarer of the Year

Voting opens May 12 at

Online award ceremony on May 31 for the FIV 2020 Best Seafarer of the Year

ROME, May 11 (askanews) – The fifth sailor is back this year, the inevitable appointment that, in recognition of the merits of the athletes who excelled in the previous year, simultaneously opens the new season of Great Sailing. It will still be a date that should take into account the restrictions imposed due to Covid 19, but with the restrictions being relaxed, it was decided to be able to organize a mixed party: at least partially in existence, with pictures that would be broadcast on the social channels of the Italian Federation Villa, on the Facebook page Of Il Velista dell’Anno FIV and partner trade magazines.

The date is set for May 31 at 6.00 PM at the Villa Miani Historic Site in Rome, where Alberto Acciari, creator and organizer of the award, will honor Francesco Ettore, President of the Italian Federation of Sailing Sailings. The honorable guests of this 27th edition are Patrizio Bertelli, owner of Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli and captain Max Serena, returning from the thrilling America’s Cup campaign in New Zealand, Giancarlo Bidotti who is back in the water after eighth place in the Fendi Globe in 2021. Fastnet and Transat Jacques Vabre And all the great Olympic sailing team that will represent Italy in the next Tokyo Olympics.

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Finalists for the FIV 2020 Sailor of the Year Award, all athletes who have distinguished themselves in the international arena with results of absolute value are: Ruggero Tita and Caterina Banti – Nacra 17 European champion, Giovanni Soldini – winner with John Elkann of Rolex Middle Sea Race 2020, Rebecca Geiger – champion Optimistic Europe 2020, Domenico Lamante – third overall and gold under 16 in the 4.7 European Laser Championship, Rocco Guaira – Italian eSailing champion 2020.

The tough final for the Owner / Helmsman title of the year – Mercedes-Benz Van Award saw skilled champions such as: Filippo Pacinotti – Melges 20 World Champion; Vincenzo de Blasio – Italian sailing champion at the ORC 2020 in International Year 11.98; Winner Vincenzo Adesi of the St.Martin Heineken Regatta on Mylius 60.

Boat of the Year Award – Confindustria Nautica Cup, it is not easy to award due to the high value of production made in Italy, which has been appreciated and recognized internationally, this year is limited to a circle: Club Swan 36, Persico 69F, Italia Yachts 11.98.

The award jury, made up of FIV President Francesco Ettore, General Secretary of CONI Carlo Mornati, Chair of Confindustra Nautica, Saverio Cecchi and Alberto Acciari, Prize organizer and secretary, will decide the winners, after receiving the results of an online vote approved by the public.

Media partners supporting FIV Sailor this year are: Telesia (Class Editori Group), which for the sixth consecutive year will broadcast photos of the event through its digital TV channels for Italian airports, subways and the most important newspapers in the sector: Bolina, Fare Vela, Nautica, Nautica Report and Pressmare,, Sailing and Motor, ItaliaVela and Zerogradinord.

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Sailor of the Year was born at FIV in 1991 from the idea of ​​Alberto Acciari, journalist and professor of marketing at the University of Rome Foro Italico and president of Acciari Consulting, a company specializing in sports marketing and communications. Sailor of the Year award is the most prestigious award in the Italian sailing sector. All the biggest names in Italian sailing received this award: from Francesco de Angelis to Giovanni Soldini, from Tommaso Chieffi to Vasco Vascotto, Vincenzo Onorato, Lorenzo Bressani, Andrea Mura, Tita-Banti, Gianfranco Pedote, Marco Gradoni and Alessandra Sensini, pregnant from Four titles. In the other categories, characters such as Ernesto Bertarelli, Paul Caillard, Fabio Perini and Pascual Landolfi have been awarded over the years. Since the second release, a new section has been added, the boats section and more recently the Owner / Helmsman category. The award thus covers the entire Italian sailing privilege, which constitutes the true qualitative reference point for Italian sporting sailing.

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