On a planet discovered by astronomers, a year takes less than eight hours and has a temperature of about 1,500 degrees

On a planet discovered by astronomers, a year takes less than eight hours and has a temperature of about 1,500 degrees

Astronomers have discovered a whole new planet with amazing properties. Dubbed “GJ 367 b,” it orbits its star and completes its orbit much faster than Earth does around the sun. Thus, a year on this planet lasts only 7.7 hours, according to reports NEWSWEEK.

1.482° Approx.

Thus, GJ 367 b is a “Ultra Short Period” (USP) planet, with a daytime temperature of around 1,482 degrees, too hot to hope to set foot there one day.

The excessively high temperature is due to its star, the red dwarf GJ 376, which is very close to the planet. As a result, this star receives 500 times more radiation from this star than the Earth can receive from the Sun slatewhich transmits information.

The size of Mars with the composition of Mercury

GJ 367 b is also one of the lightest planets ever discovered outside the solar system. Its solid core consists of iron and nickel, like Mercury, the site reports. Space.com. “We found a Mars-sized planet made up of Mercury,” explained Roland Vanderspek, a senior researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Thanks to this discovery, specialists hope to be able to learn more about these planets known as the “Very Short Period”.

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