OMNISPORTS: French space in the Francophone Games

OMNISPORTS: French space in the Francophone Games

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The French delegation was also represented in these games in the cultural aspect.

This international competition highlights the richness of each French-speaking country and the artistic skills acquired. This unique experience for young French-speaking people allows us to showcase talent at an international level and appreciate the richness of French-speaking creativity. France excelled in the following disciplines: photography, drawing, literature, storytelling, creative dance, and song. The French delegation won one bronze medal in the photography competition in the cultural section.

Area of ​​France

But these games were also an opportunity to showcase French knowledge during three periods of conviviality on board Espace France. I especially thank Mr. Samsi Dhanani, President of the Union of French Abroad in Kinshasa, who kindly made the Maison de France available to the French delegation, a wonderful and ideal place for meetings. This was an opportunity to invite the heads of delegations present, the ambassadors of French-speaking countries, the leaders of the International Organization of La Francophonie, the CIJF, the CNJF and the business leaders who supported the French delegation.

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