Olympics, set the alarm, let’s dream together with Rochik and Rota

Olympics, set the alarm, let’s dream together with Rochik and Rota

Olympics, set the alarm, let's dream together with Rochik and Rota

Pietro Willi Rota (right) with Stefano Ubo

Olympics, set the alarm
We dream with Rochik and Rota

The rowers from Como at the Olympics have a date with history

It looks like playing a lottery to make the starting roster for regattas at the Tokyo Olympic Basin, on alert since yesterday due to a typhoon over the Japanese city.

Racing should resume tomorrow. The final decision, after taking a look at the forecast, will be made today at 12 (5.00 am in Italy). To cheat this lengthy wait and de-stress, the Azuri takes advantage of the two days of forced downtime to focus on training. Everyone is clearly clasping their fingers, looking at the races scheduled for tomorrow.

As for Arrian, in the semi-final series, on the other hand, at 11.30 (4.30) the lightweight double of Pietro Willi Rota and at 12.30 (5.30) Monday was without female Aisha Rochek.

In the double light weights among the favorites from the prediction are the Blues Petro Willie Rota and Stefano Ubo, who will have to face 3 against Ireland from O’Donovan-McCarty, as well as Spain, Belgium, Ukraine and India.

The track that brought the two without Ayesha Roshik and Keri Tontodonati to the semi-finals was unusual and stimulating in a special way Como and Torino Capovuga, moreover with encouragement from Como technician Stefano Fraquili, who has a lot of focus on and feel this boat, ready for the final play with Sacred Beasts New Zealand, Romania and Russia .

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