Not a fan of hugs?  Science has found a good answer to this

Not a fan of hugs? Science has found a good answer to this

The world is divided into two categories: those who are very loved and those who are not loved at all. A study reveals why some people are uncomfortable with hugging.

As families and friends gather together for year-end festivities, kisses and hugs will spread in homes, despite the pandemic. However, you didn’t wait for Covid-19 to avoid hugs, simply because you didn’t like it. but why ?

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A scientific study published in 2012 in the Journal of Comprehensive Psychology revealed the reason for the disappointment of hugs. This confirms, in fact, that the reluctance to embrace hugs stems from the way you were or were not used to it during your childhood.

“Our tendency for physical contact, whether it’s a hug, a pat on the back or giving a minute, is often associated with our early childhood years.” Susan Dejes-White, a professor at Northern Illinois University and co-author of the study, explains.

Tendency to hug An educational question?

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Thus, children who are deprived of hugs will be uncomfortable showing affection as they grow up, and repeat this pattern with their children.

However, the study all identifies that this lack of affection can lead to a deficiency in some, and thus produce the opposite effect by becoming overly affectionate while growing up: “Some children grow up feeling hungry when connected. They become social crazy who cannot welcome a friend without a hug or connection”.

So education will have a huge impact on our relationship with hugs and on the way we experience physical contact. The body develops a system that releases oxytocin, the hormone of love and social bonding, during hugs.

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Additionally, our self-esteem is also influenced by our perception of physical emotion: “People who are more open to physical contact with others generally have a higher level of self-confidence. People with higher levels of social anxiety, in general, may be reluctant to engage in affectionate contact with others, including friends” The researcher notes.

There is also a cultural phenomenon to consider. In some countries such as France or Italy, the kiss is repeated while it seems improbable in the United States where one prefers the hug.

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