No 5G antenna in a forested area in Puget-sur-Argens!

No 5G antenna in a forested area in Puget-sur-Argens!

The municipality of Puget-sur-Argens does not like trees, let's say!

While the first pre-announcement was cancelled on April 3, 2024 and two appeals are still in progress, work continues “freely” on the way to Vidal's camp, under everyone's eyes, as if nothing had happened!

No one cares about this afforestation that has accumulated over several decades, contributing to the cooling of the surrounding urban environment. In fact, in the context of global warming, trees are becoming increasingly popular because they create islands of freshness, produce oxygen and purify the air. Among other ecosystem benefits, trees also contribute significantly to carbon sequestration, mitigating the impact of winds and floods.

During the work related to the installation of the disputed monument, which was carried out without a protective perimeter at the foot of the pine trees, or trunk protection, the root system of the neighboring trees was distorted and many of the main branches of the trees were amputated.

Tree recovery is uncertain after a major change in the root system.
You should know that the reaction process is delayed for trees. They do not die immediately, but they deteriorate in the long term. On the other hand, once the pine reaches adulthood, it does not have the ability to replace the perennial roots.

In addition, soil compaction combined with summer drought (increased by climate change) weakens trees and promotes the spread of weakening parasites.

The preservation of some of the EBC's heritage trees and the preservation of the ecosystem protected by the regulations may be at risk, in the work area, due to the impact of those nearby.

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The ongoing work is likely to cause further damage to tree roots and crowns. The introduction of pathogens and diseases during periods of high stress due to global warming and drought can spread to other nearby trees.

Furthermore, sudden lighting, after the possible future felling of altered trees, will have a general impact on the tree heritage through the change in environment and the sudden exposure to wind of trees that were previously protected.

No matter, on Wednesday, July 3, 2024, our tree friends were still surrounded by new machines including a 35 tonne one, which came to do more damage to the roots of the pine trees.

It's truly uncompromising, no other words!

If all this irritates you as much as it irritates us, write to us at our group email: [email protected].

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