news |  Coronavirus: Pollution rises 71% in Baku

news | Coronavirus: Pollution rises 71% in Baku

By La Provence (AFP)

The circulation of Sars-cov2 continues to advance at a high speed this week: at the national level, the infection rate is up to 311 cases per 100,000 inhabitants (+61% compared to last week) and exceeds 600 cases in 6-10 years, indicating Public Health France In its latest weekly report. The sequencing data confirms the hypothetical exclusive of the delta variant: as of December 3 at 8 am, the Omicron variant was detected in only twelve samples.

Children between the ages of 6 and 10 were severely affected

The incidence is increasing sharply in all age groups. It exceeded 300 among those under 50 and reached 421 (+56%) among those aged 30 to 39. The strongest increases were observed between 0-9 years (389, +85%) and 10-19 years (344, +76%). Among them, primary schoolchildren (6-10 years) had a particularly high incidence rate of 663 (+92%). The highest rates were observed in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (417, +71%), Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (392, +80%) and Corsica (386, +26%). Only Normandy kept the rate below 200 (179, +49%).

More recovery than in the fourth wave

As of November 30, 10,310 Covid-19 patients were hospitalized in France, including 1,837 in critical care. The number of new hospital admissions is on the rise (4,212, +35%) and so are critical care admissions (967, +37%). Among those over the age of 70, these rates are higher than those observed at the height of the fourth wave in these age groups. The highest hospitalization rates were observed in the Baka region.

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According to national data, between September 1 and November 30, 76% of patients under 65 years of age in intensive care have not been vaccinated or have not been fully vaccinated. Among patients over 65 years of age in intensive care, 34% were vaccinated, but those who received a booster dose accounted for only 1.4% of cases.

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