new Zeland.  Opening up to a defense pact with Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America (Aukus)

new Zeland. Opening up to a defense pact with Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America (Aukus)

by Alberto Galvi

While maintaining the ban on nuclear powered submarines in its territorial waters, New Zealand has opened to join the AUKUS Defense Agreement with Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The news comes shortly after New Zealand agreed on the principle of a trade agreement with the United Kingdom that will lower tariffs on the two countries’ goods and pave the way for more free movement of citizens. The FTA would be a viable alternative to dependence on China.
The trilateral security agreement could be expanded to include the remaining Kanzouk countries of New Zealand and Canada. Both are traditional national security partners of Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States while participating in the Five Eye intelligence deal.
AUKUS has in no way changed the security and intelligence relations that New Zealand has with Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom, but Wellington could join the agreement to cooperate in the development of information technology. In addition, New Zealand welcomed the increased involvement of the United States and the United Kingdom in the Indo-Pacific region.
The term has been widely used by countries allied with the United States in the Asia-Pacific strategic framework as a major counterweight to China’s growing influence.
New Zealand was previously a member of the ANZUS treaty alliance with the United States, even refusing to accept nuclear-powered US ships in its waters.

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