New Zealander win, Blues 8th in Singapore GP

New Zealander win, Blues 8th in Singapore GP

In the slightly windy Singapore Grand Prix, the New Zealanders this Sunday won their eighth Grand Prix of the third season, ahead of the Danes and the Australians, who remain in the lead. The French finished eighth.

The light skies of Singapore Bay did not smile at the French crew who finished eighth in Sunday’s Grand Prix victory with New Zealander Peter Burling ahead of Danes Nikolai Sekhested and Australians Tom Slingsby. The disappointment of the Blues, who were on the podium in the previous two rounds (the first in Spain, and the second in Dubai).

The Grand Prix was very difficult. Comments Quentin Delapierre, pilot of the French F50 (15m) boat. We knew it was going to be tricky with light winds and gales, over a relatively small body of water. We had a good start but then we found ourselves in difficulty and made a lot of mistakes. »

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“Everything remains to play”The Australians retain their lead in the tournament, ahead of the Kiwis and England’s Ben Ainslie. The French slipped from third to fourth. “Obviously we’re disappointed but I’m not worried, Delapiere notes. We must not forget our place in the standings: fourth place, one point from third place. Everything remains to play. »

The next two rounds will take place in Sydney on February 18th and 19th, and then in Christchurch (New Zealand) on March 18th and 19th. The Million Dollar Grand Final will take place on May 7 in San Francisco.

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