New Zealand wins eight men’s final at Tokyo Olympics

New Zealand wins eight men’s final at Tokyo Olympics

New Zealand were surprised by winning their eighth final match at the Olympics in the Sea Forest Basin. The New Zealanders were ineligible at the start of the season and had to take part in the Regatta in Lucerne last May to secure their presence in Tokyo. Ils avaient mis le paquet, rassemblant l’essentiel de leurs meilleurs rameurs dans cette embarcation, à commencer par Hamish Bond, le double champion olympique du deux sans barreur (2012 et 2016 avec Eric Murray), revenu à ours precursion amiprès am dans Bike riding.

On board with the Germans (second in the end) and the British (third), the New Zealanders made an effort in the third quarter of the race (1“31 ahead of the British in 1500m) to eliminate the unreachable. This is Kiwis’ first Olympic success in the event since 1972. Crew has given rise to several legends, including (apocryphal) wanting rowers and coxswain to publish their boat as new to each retain a part of who he-she is.

Surprise Stefanos Netoskos in a skiff

With Germany’s Oliver Zeidler in the Group B final, it led to an even bigger upset with Greek Stefanos Ntoskos, Norwegian striker Ketel Porsche, 1″ 21. The 24-year-old’s best result to date was to finish fourth in the European Championship. He fought Intercontinental regatta qualifying for his ticket to the Tokyo Olympics.By bringing his country its first Olympic title in rowing.The women’s singles rower, on the other hand, made a more classic return to New Zealand’s Emma Twigg, 34 and the 2014 world champion.

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