New Zealand, the first summit of the Blue King before the World Cup

New Zealand, the first summit of the Blue King before the World Cup

The blue play, on Saturday in Bo, is their first confrontation against the Black Ferns, the world champion.

New Zealand as a prelude to the World Cup organized in less than a year in … New Zealand. France’s 15th female world champion receives two matches, the first Saturday (3:00 pm) in Pau, and many opportunities to assess herself. At Hamo Stadium, where 11,000 spectators are expected, the Blues attack the climax after their easily successful first fall duel against South Africa (46-3), last Saturday in Van. The “women’s boxThey are far from developing at the same level as their male counterparts who won the last World Cup in 2019 in Japan.

So the level of adversity must be very different at Béarn even if the New Zealand women, who have been weaned from international matches for two years due to the coronavirus pandemic, are frustrated at their return to competition in Europe. They even suffered two slaps against the English, the world number one (43-12 then 56-15), but were denied the injury of Emily Scarratt, the world’s best player in 2019.

«Starting the World Cup pre-season with two defeats in this category is not reassuring because the England-New Zealand match is a potential final. It is a team against which we have to score points, confidence and certaintyJudge Laura de Musio, Counsellor, said: France Televisions. But even without benchmarks, New Zealand remain second in the world rankings and especially the most successful team at the World Cup: five times in eight editions since 1991.

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The return of Roman Menager

«We must remain vigilant. They still have good players with a lot of experience, whether they are fifteen or seven. It’s a very strong team that will come and face us‘, reassured Blue Annick Herod’s director. The last two matches with the New Zealand women turned out to be the advantage of the French, who won 30-27 in Grenoble in November 2018 and then 25-16 in Chula Vista, California, in July 2019 during the Super Series.

«In our build, that was important. It allowed us to play against the world champions, because most players have never played against them. But Saturday is a new confrontation. There have been developments since these two victories“,” explains Gael Hermitt, the third winger, a more experienced French captain compared to his first fall test at Van.

The administration made nine changes at the start of the fifteenth season, including the return of Roman Menajer, who will play his first match in the blue shirt since the end of April. Montpellier’s third streak, 25, was absent from the Tokyo Olympics, where the French won the silver medal due to several brain injuries.

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