New Zealand Rugby Union respond to Steve Hansen’s attacks!

New Zealand Rugby Union respond to Steve Hansen’s attacks!

All blacks go through a sensitive period.

And for good reason, the New Zealanders achieved two consecutive home defeats against Ireland during the month of July, their first since 1994!

Inevitably, the local press is putting a lot of pressure on the Blacks crew and more specifically on coach Ian Foster. Several technical advisors are calling for his resignation to the New Zealand Rugby Union.

But former All Blacks coach Steve Hansen disagrees.

The latter obviously regrets the lack of support from New Zealand rugby leaders for his successor, Ian Foster.

Captured this week. Extract:

There have been many rulings issued recently. But when was the last time New Zealand rugby conducted a soul-searching? I haven’t seen them heat up much. Ian Foster is a very good coach.

Ian Foster shouldn’t be happy with the way things went, but I don’t think the problem is just with the team. Evil is more important than that. New Zealand leaders would unload their soiled clothes in public, rather than at home. I don’t think they are doing their job properly.”

On Thursday afternoon, the New Zealand Rugby Union responded to Steve Hansen’s letter.

New Zealand’s Director of Communications had sent an email to union staff as per information from the Stuff newspaper. Extract:

Many have seen the remarks made by Sir Steve Hansen in the media today, and after discussing them with Mark Robinson and Chris Lindrum, we wanted to give you our thoughts on them.

Nous prenons note des nombreuses remarques et critiques sur le rugby néo-zélandais actuellement, y compris celles de Sir Steven, mais notre priorité actuellement est d’être au soutien des All Blacks et de leur staff des leurs remanié tre afins de men ‘South Africa.

Although many of Sir Steve’s remarks seem largely unfair and painful, we believe that entering into this public debate with him is the right thing to do.

(…) Sometimes it may seem appropriate to answer, sometimes not. And while we strive to be an open, honest and transparent organization, we sometimes believe that the strongest response is to say nothing.”

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