New Zealand is opening its doors (more) to skilled immigrants

New Zealand is opening its doors (more) to skilled immigrants

Unemployment is low in New Zealand and the labor shortage is particularly severe in some sectors. That is why the government decided to completely review the immigration policy in order to attract qualified workers. New Zealand website explains Things.

On the other hand, the “approved employer work visa”, a visa that allows you to settle in the country if you have a job offer and even to study for three months out of twelve, will be extended for three and five years from November 2023.

On the other hand, to take advantage of programs for skilled workers, you must be 55 years of age or younger, have a minimum proficiency in the English language and provide certain medical documents.

In order to become a permanent resident, you must have a certain number of points, exactly six, which are allocated according to the level of studies, the number of years of work in New Zealand and the sector of activity and income in particular. This system will be streamlined from October 2023, according to Michael Wood, the Immigration Minister. For example, a person with a PhD automatically gets six points, and so does a person earn three times the average salary. “If a person comes to the country with a bachelor’s degree, it will be worth three points. To earn six points and qualify for residency, she will have to work for three years,” she said. specific Things. Some professions rare in the country, such as nurses and midwives, benefit from accelerated procedures.

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These changes to encourage brain drain do not arouse all enthusiasm. For example, the Green Party’s immigration spokesman, Ricardo Menendez March, denounced it ‘Inherent injustice’ This system is unfavorable for low-paid candidates.

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