New Zealand, an Antarctic penguin found 3000 km from its natural habitat

New Zealand, an Antarctic penguin found 3000 km from its natural habitat

Singh spotted the penguin while walking with his wife on the beach in Bridlings Flat, south of Christchurch on the east coast. “He hadn’t moved for an hour, he looked exhausted,” he told her. BBC The man who therefore decided to turn to a center that deals with the care of penguins, as well as to prevent their attack by other animals.

The center’s experts took care of the animal, which was slightly underweight and dehydrated. After some testing, it will likely be brought down to a safer beach on the Banks Peninsula.

This is the third sighting of a known Adelia penguin in New Zealand: two more specimens were found respectively in 1962 and 1993. Thus these are extremely rare cases. If the episodes intensify, it will be – experts say – a worrying sign.

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