New Zealand: After the hurricane, a violent earthquake

New Zealand: After the hurricane, a violent earthquake

New Zealand

After the hurricane, a violent earthquake

On Wednesday, a 5.7-magnitude earthquake was felt near the New Zealand capital and in the north of the country.


The capital and the North Island were affected.

Geonet screenshot

While New Zealand just got hit Hurricane GabrielOn Wednesday, a 5.7-magnitude earthquake was recorded. The epicenter was near the capital, Wellington, about 30 miles (30 miles) offshore, but tremors were felt across the North Island and in the Marlborough region, according to the USGS.

Geonet, which monitors earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis and landslides in New Zealand, reported that the quake was felt by nearly 70,000 people. On Twitter, Geonet is urging people to hunker down in case of aftershocks.

“It was as if a freight train was passing by the house,” reports our New Zealand-based journalist Jasmine Rosner. I stayed under a table during the earthquake. There was no tsunami warning. It is not yet known whether the earthquake caused any injuries or damages.

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