New Zealand.  A very rare giant squid found by tourists on the beach

New Zealand. A very rare giant squid found by tourists on the beach

Set out to explore the Farewell Peninsula (New Zealand) On September 9, 2022, these tourists certainly did not expect to come across the body of a squid giant. As I mentioned New Zealand Herald acquired in France geo The guide who was leading the group of travelers received a message from one of his colleagues warning him not to go “Get a surprise”. Upon reaching the shore, the tourists immediately saw a majestic white mass in the distance. Their guide immediately understood that it was the corpse of a giant squid and told them that they were going to have a unique experience.

temporary discovery

The body length of the stranded specimen, partially devoured by the fish, was about four meters, not including the tentacles. “For most people, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, or none at all.”he told the guide to the New Zealand newspaper. “It’s not a common beach find, you have to be there at the right time because things that drift on the beach, organics, don’t last”. Moreover, the tour agency where this man works has only seen six giant squid since 1986, ranging in length from 4 to 6 meters.

Little is known to the scientific world of giant squid, as giant squid fascinates with its colossal size and still mysterious way of life. They live at a depth of 900 meters and rarely appear on the surface. Rare specimens seen in the open air, stranded on the ground or in fishermen’s nets, can reach 13 meters in length and weigh up to 300 kilograms.

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