New fires in Egypt after a deadly fire in a church

New fires in Egypt after a deadly fire in a church

In the past few days, the Egyptian authorities reported the outbreak of fires in several public places. A week after 41 worshipers were killed in a fire during a mass in Cairo.

Short circuits are not uncommon in Egypt, a country of 103 million people with often failing public infrastructure, but since the tragedy at the Cairo Church, authorities seem to want to communicate about the means used to put out the fires.

Several witnesses accused emergency services of delaying and deploring security conditions that were not respected or did not exist during the Abu Sefein Church fire in Imbaba, a densely populated working-class area of ​​the capital, a major city of more than 20 people. one million population.

And on Sunday, while the Christians of Egypt, Copts, were celebrating the birthday of the Virgin, a fire broke out in a monastery in Assiut Governorate, in the center of the country, according to the governorate. “The fire has been brought under control” And the “The celebrations continued without stoppingWith thousands of participants, she outlines her press release.

Police sources reported that huge plumes of smoke rose on Saturday from one of the largest shopping centers in Alexandria, the main city in the coastal north, which raised concern some time before the fire was brought under control without causing any casualties.

These sources said that this fire was caused by a short circuit in restaurants inside the huge shopping complex.

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Earlier in the week, a fire broke out in a church in Cairo on Monday, according to the Interior Ministry. Then Tuesday in a church in Minya Governorate (central), according to the Ministry of Health. The shooting of these two bullets did not result in injuries.

On Wednesday, another would have done”Eight lightly injured“, in a Cairo hospital, according to the Ministry of Health.

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