Nearly 2,000 demonstrators in support of Palestine in the streets of Montpellier

Nearly 2,000 demonstrators in support of Palestine in the streets of Montpellier

The comic procession left to reach the province, then Blanc Cabanis. Many political, union and community organizations called for mobilization on Saturday, November 4.

A demonstration in support of Palestine was once again organized on Saturday, November 4, in Montpellier. This time, nearly 2,000 people responded (1,750 people according to the prefecture), and unlike the rally held the previous weekend, participants paraded across the city, from comedians to blanc cabanes, across the prefecture. During the previous press conference, Alban Desoutre, Secretary of the Libre-Pensee de l’Hérault, expressed his happiness that this time this gathering is taking place in “A usual framework at the national level”.

“Stop the bombings”

On October 28, the organizers filed an appeal with the Administrative Court, following a ban order issued by the Governor of Hérault. The court lifted the ban and ordered the demonstration to be held without a procession.

LFI MP Natalie Oziol also spoke, emphasizing the scale of the pro-Palestine movement on Saturday: “Demonstrations are taking place across France at the call of one hundred organizations including the CGT, FSU, Soliaires, Atac, the Peace Movement, and the Socialist Party… The slogans are to stop the bombings and the displacement of the population, as well as to stop the bombings and the displacement of the population.” A ceasefire that Macron cannot demand.”.


“We continue to sign an online petition addressed to Emmanuel Macron demanding an immediate ceasefire.”The French Solidarity Association with Palestine (AFPS) reported. “The situation is catastrophic from the point of view of international law. It is civil society that is elite. Yesterday, they opened fire on ambulances.”. “The United Nations used the word genocide.”Herault’s free thought continued. Boris Chenaud, of the eco-socialist left, denounced the possibility of this happening “The real ethnic cleansing of Palestine.”

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For ecologists, Giulia Mignaca highlighted “The unitary character of this event” And contact the government “Don’t take a stand” And also Ivan Garcia for PCF. “Given the tragic situation, it is very likely that we will take to the streets again next week.”Alban DeSouter announced.

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