NASA’s “March 2020” mission: Why not live despite live broadcasts

NASA’s “March 2020” mission: Why not live despite live broadcasts

  • Tania Banner

    FromTania Banner


Today, NASA’s “persevering” Mars spacecraft lands and we can follow the Mars landing in a live broadcast. However, we will not be able to live there – why is that.

  • Dependent ‘Perseverance’ on On-Rover It lands on Mars today (February 18, 2021).
  • The Mars landing It can be done in Live broadcast Follow – Neighborhood You can watch this Ground maneuver but not.
  • Mars News And the Space Exploration News It can be found on our topic pages.

It has approximately 470 million kilometers On the mission “March 2020” Since last summer around Mars Covered. She is now on the last part of her long journey. On February 18, 2021, the space probe is scheduled to begin Rover ‘perseverance’ Projection on Mars.

The Mars landing You can’t – just because of the great distance between Earth and Mars Neighborhood Watch, but it will be many Live streams Who are still following the event closely. US Space Agency NASAthat Rover ‘perseverance’ On July 30, 2020 on a long trip to Mars Sent, of course, will accompany the great event in detail. At 8:15 pm He speaks English Live broadcast Among others in Youtube And start Facebook.

A photo provided by NASA shows the Jezero crater.

© Jpl-Caltech / dpa

The Mars landing in a live broadcast: NASA is broadcasting the event online

Manal Landing on Mars If you prefer to have a look at it with explanations in German, you will also find what you are looking for: The Planetarium Foundation is planning one Live broadcast about the landing of Mars In the German language. Must be experts at Live broadcast On previous search in Mars Report and On the mission Rovers “perseverance” He explains. Just before Landing on Mars Should to Live broadcast NASA turned – as the landing maneuver Neighborhood Can be tracked.

9:38 p.m. The perseverance rover breaks off from the so-called cruise stage
9:48 PM The rover enters the Martian atmosphere with its heat shield – seven minutes of terror begins
9:49 p.m. The probe is blasting through the Martian atmosphere at a speed of about 19,000 km / h. Small motors help keep it on track
9.50 pm The rover autonomous systems correct any target deviation
9:52 PM Distance from landing point: about 21 km. At still 1700 km / h, the rover is properly aligning itself
9:52 PM The rover parachute opens and slows the spacecraft even more – down to about 260 km / h.
9:52 PM After 20 seconds: The rover detached from the heat shield. The rover’s camera, microphones, and other gadgets now start recording. Start the radar and navigation system.
9:53 PM Distance from the landing point: about 5 kilometers. The navigation system uses the environment to determine the correct course of the rover.
9:54 PM The rover’s landing engines accelerate and slow further.
9:54 PM For the last 20 meters, the rover’s speed is about 3.2 km / h.
9:54 PM The Skycrane maneuver begins: the rover is pulled on long cables toward the ground.
9:55 pm Descent: The wheels of perseverance touch the Earth of Mars, and the Skycrane moves away and lands some distance.
The times correspond to the times the signals reach the Earth. Everything happens 11 minutes and 22 seconds before on Mars. What: NASA

Why can’t you see the landing on Mars live

In fact, you shouldn’t be doing anything Live photos from Mars Expect. The red planet is currently located more than 200 million km from Earth – according to NASA It takes drop The rover has exactly 11 minutes 22 seconds until the from sign appears Mars Down to earth. From Neighborhood So there can be no question. Additionally, all NASA efforts focus on safely landing the rover – the spacecraft’s tools are activated late in the landing maneuver. NASA employees at the control center receive data from the Mars Space Probe (MRO), which monitors the descent from Mars orbit and sends information toward Earth. These are not pictures.

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Manal Mars landing in the live broadcast NASA’s Control Center will see people stare at screens so they don’t miss important signals from Mars. The NASA Will be in Live broadcast However, it is very likely that the animation will show how the Mars landing It should look like. Besides, you must Neighborhood When you notice the first signs of Rover ‘perseverance’ In the control center NASA Roll in.

But then it was time to wait tense: “The Seven Minutes of Horror” didn’t get its name for nothing. The name comes from the fact that Mars landing It takes about seven minutes – and the first signs of this only reach the ground when full Landing on Mars It is already over. The FR accompanies the landing of the “Mars 2020” “Perseverance” rover in the live tape.

The “persevering” NASA rover is supposed to explore Mars geologically

If a very hard landing on Mars succeeds, it should happen Rover ‘perseverance’ Geological study of the red planet. Research background – as always with missions to the Red Planet – be it Mars It was once a friend of life, or maybe it still is today.

The “Persever” spacecraft is anchored to the surface of Mars using the “Skycrane” maneuver. It is the end of “Seven Minutes of Terror”. NASA will be showing the landing on Mars in a live broadcast.

© dpa / NASA

“Perseverance,” according to NASA “The Geologist has six wheels that are the largest, heaviest, cleanest, and most technologically advanced ever launched into space.” It weighs about a ton and is three meters long Rover cost. On board, among other things, are seven scientific instruments, 23 cameras and a laser. She also has a tech demonstration “perseverance” At the same time: The tiny helicopter is supposed to “show creativity” whether flights are possible in the thin atmosphere of Mars.

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Mars exploration: many devices explore the planet

Dependent ‘Perseverance’ on On-Rover And his companion “creativity” is not the only devices that support Mars You must explore. In February, the Arab space probe “Hope” and the Chinese “Tianwen-1” have already entered Orbits around Mars Turned in. While the first Arab space probe was “Amal” Mars It should only be explored from orbit, and the Chinese “Tianwen-1” space probe will also be one in a few months. Rover On the Mars Send Down.

In addition, the Curiosity rover, which has been active since 2012, and the fixed lander “Insight”, which landed in 2018, are searching for the surface of Mars, and there are eight orbits from six countries currently orbiting the red planet. One of these orbits recently detected water vapor in the Martian atmosphere. (Tania Banner)

Rubriclistenbild: © dpa / Nasa

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