NASA is looking for volunteers for a mission (almost) to Mars

NASA is looking for volunteers for a mission (almost) to Mars

NASA is looking for volunteers for a mission (almost) to Mars
NASA NASA is looking for volunteers for a mission (almost) to Mars


NASA is looking for volunteers for a mission (almost) to Mars

Space – a dream job offer. NASA is recruiting four volunteers, US citizens or residents, between the ages of 30 and 55, to spend a year on Mars… without leaving Earth.

This is the mission of CHAPEA (Health crew and analog performance exploration Or in French Health crew and analog performance exploration), scheduled for launch in the spring of 2025, is one of three projects designed by NASA to prepare for Mars exploration.

To do this, the US space agency decorated a 160-square-meter area with terrain that mimics living conditions on the Red Planet, dubbed “Mars Dune Alpha.” The 3D-printed habitat is located at the research center in Houston, Texas.

To be selected, you must have a certain level of scientific experience. In addition to being in good health and knowledge of the English language, candidates must have earned a master's degree in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) discipline, completed at least 1,000 flight hours or completed military training. Furthermore, they should not be smokers or suffer from claustrophobia.

As for the challenges that the volunteers will have to face, the mission plans different tasks: simulating a spacewalk, physical activity, or growing crops. Volunteers will also be tested with stressors, such as water restrictions or equipment failure. The goal is to evaluate individuals' reactions to isolation and various stressful situations. To apply, you must submit your application before April 2.

A first team of volunteers has already begun this same adventure in June 2023. Thanks to the results of the three missions, NASA will be able to better predict difficulties during future missions to Mars and allocate the resources necessary for the survival of astronauts.

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