Mubasher – 100,000 deaths from Covid: “We will never forget any face, any name”, and promises of Emmanuel Macron

Mubasher – 100,000 deaths from Covid: “We will never forget any face, any name”, and promises of Emmanuel Macron

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The National Professional Agreement (ANI) of November 26, 2020 regarding telework was extended to all professional fields and all companies by a decree of April 2 published this week in the Official Gazette. The text, published on Tuesday, states that “it is mandatory, for all employers and all employees covered by its scope, the terms of the National Inter-Professional Agreement of November 26, 2020 for the successful implementation of remote work”.

This means that ANI will apply to “all companies, particularly those that are not members of the three employer organizations that are signatories to the agreement,” namely Medef, CPME and U2P, as Catherine Pinchout of CFDT explained to AFP.

The decree states that Article 3.1.5 of the agreement, relating to covering professional expenses, “shall be extended according to the general principle to cover professional expenses as interpreted by case-law. The Court of Cassation (…) according to which the approval of the employer is interpreted as a precedent and not a subsequent For the employee’s commitment to expenditures. “

The relevant article states that “it is up to the company to cover the expenses incurred by the employee for the needs of his professional activity and for the benefit of the company, after verification of this is correct by the employer.”

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