Movie – The Factory of Pandemics 7 Espace Bocapole Bressuire Tuesday 21 November 2023
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7 Espace Pokapol Presswire 11-21-2023
Movie – The Factory of Pandemics 7 Espace Bocapole Bressuire, November 21, 2023, 7 Espace Bocapole Bressuire.
Pressware, Doux Sievers
The new film by Marie-Monique Robin, “Factory of Epidemics”, questions the relationship between man and the living, and in particular his influence on the emergence of diseases. With the complicity of Juliette Binoche and the scientific contribution of Serge Morand (CNRS), the director has spent two years meeting with scientists from around the world to understand the links between human health and the health of ecosystems. At the end of the presentation, a discussion will be moderated by Jean-Marc Lallouz, Coordinator of the Bocage 53 Group and President of the Environment Federation of Maine.
From 10 years old, reservation recommended.
2023-11-21 End: 2023-11-21 22:30:00. euro.
7 Espace Pokapol Cinema Red Chair
Press 79300 Deux-Sèvres New Aquitaine
Marie Monique Robin’s new film “The Pandemic Factory” examines the human relationship with living organisms, and more specifically their impact on the onset of disease. With the help of Juliette Binoche and the scientific contribution of Serge Morand (CNRS), the director spent two years meeting with scientists from around the world to understand the links between human health and the health of ecosystems. The presentation will be followed by a discussion moderated by Jean-Marc Lallouz, Coordinator of the Bocage 53 Group and President of the Environment Federation of Mayenne.
Ages 10 and up, reservation recommended.
La nueva película de Marie-Monique Robin, “The Factory of Pandemics” (La fábrica de pandemias), examined the relationship between living and concrete organisms that affect the environment. With the help of Juliette Binoche and the scientific contribution of Serge Morand (CNRS), director Paso dos Anos Reunionidos Concentificos de todo el mundo barberiner los vínculos entre la salud humana y la de los ecological. Tras la proyección, habrá Moderated discussion by Jean-Marc Lallouz, Bocage 53 Community Coordinator and President of the Environment Federation of Maine.
From June 10, reservations are recommended.
Der neue Film von Marie-Monique Robin, “The Factory of Pandemics”, before sich mit der Beziehung des Menschen zum Lebendigen und insbesondere mit dessen Einfluss auf die Entstehung von Krankheiten. MIT der unterstütutzung von juliette binoche und dem wissenschaftlichen beitrag von serge morand (cnrs) hat sich die regisseurin zwei jahre lang mit wissenschaftlern aus der ganzen getroffen, um die zusammenhä zwisn in der der der der der der der der der der der der der der der der der der der. Ysteme zu verstehen. Im Anschluss an die Vorführung findet eine Debatte statt, die von Jean-Marc Lalloz, Koordinator des Kollektivs Bocage 53 und Prasident der Fédération de l’environnement en Mayenne, geleitet wird.
AB 10 Jahren, Reservierung empfohlen.
Updated on 2023-08-14 by OT Bocage Bressuirais
7 Espace Pokapul Presswire
“Organizer. Social media geek. General communicator. Bacon scholar. Proud pop culture trailblazer.”