Moscow admits after its withdrawal in the south, and Kiev continues its tasks to destabilize the Russian front

Moscow admits after its withdrawal in the south, and Kiev continues its tasks to destabilize the Russian front

Five attacks in 24 hours

“In the area of ​​the Vremivka salient, the most active fighting is taking place in the Rivnopil and Uruzhin regions,” Russia’s Defense Ministry said on Friday, claiming it had repulsed five attacks there in the past 24 hours. . , with the help of the Air Force and Artillery. A “prominent” – a military term – is an area controlled by a force advancing like a spur in an enemy-held sector, thus being exposed on several sides.

The fact that the combats are a lieu for these burghers signifie that the Russian lignes ont reculé de quelques kilometers vers le sud et vers l’est autour de cette zone exposée de Vremivka, à la frontiere des regions of Zaporijjia et de Donetsk, partiellement occupées par Russia.

On Thursday, the Ukrainian army again signaled progress, despite “strong resistance” from Russian forces.

Ten kilometers of fortified lines

However, the area of ​​Vremivka lay more than ten kilometers north of the main fortified Russian lines, made in particular of anti-tank trenches and traps.

A major Ukrainian military success in this region would break the land bridge connecting Russia with the annexed Crimea. This will be a big setback for Moscow.

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