More than 120 anti-vaccine protesters arrested in Wellington in clashes with police

More than 120 anti-vaccine protesters arrested in Wellington in clashes with police

Tensions after three days of assembly. Clashes broke out on Thursday, February 10, in Wellington, near the New Zealand Parliament, between police and anti-vaccine protesters against Covid-19. The security forces intervened to disperse this gathering, specifically to dismantle the improvised camp that was erected near Parliament. More than 120 people were arrested.

Hundreds of homes and trucks have been erected since Tuesday. Most of them left after 24 hours but a solid core remained determined to stay there “As long as necessary”. This gathering echoed “Freedom Caravan” It was started at the end of January, by Canadian truck drivers who denounced the vaccination obligation to cross the US border.

Police advanced to the parliament building but retreated behind barricades in the late afternoon as protesters chanted and shouted victory. Authorities closed the Parliament campus, which is rare, to prevent protesters from receiving reinforcements.

Maori activists sang Hakka while shouting “holding positions” In the face of police advances. The latter received punches and kicks while insulting them with slogans such as ‘Not a democracy’, ‘shame on you’ or “Abandoning the obligation”. “It was a peaceful protest, what they did is a disgrace,” Accused of a woman wishing to remain anonymous. ‘I never imagined seeing this in New Zealand’she added.

The evacuation could take days, according to the Wellington Police Chief. Some activists are accused of using children as human shields to fend off the police. “It is unfortunate that although the plaza was officially closed to the public earlier today, a number of protesters are refusing repeated requests to leave the compound.”, did he say. Deputy Prime Minister Grant Robertson said residents’ patience with the disruption caused by the mobilization had been exhausted.

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Residents of the capital complained of being attacked for wearing protective masks. Many companies close to Parliament have been forced to close because their employees required health cards to be checked. Wellington City Hall has warned that its agents will start issuing tickets for vehicles blocking streets as part of the mobilization of anti-sanitary measures.

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