More space for the Red Cross

More space for the Red Cross

After moving from the building to rue Maréchal Koenig, the Red Cross of Castelsarrasin continued to find larger buildings, more suitable for the multiple functions that its role represented. All this to facilitate access and make it more present in the life of Castelsarrasinoise. As Alain Drucker, Head of the Red Cross Department and Regional Vice President, says: “This new space is not just a place to sell. It is a place to receive, listen and guide. For everyone who needs it. I am sure very soon, this place will live more with the partnerships that will be able to develop “.

Alain Drucker recalls that the district has 13 centers to which the district municipalities are enrolled. Castelsarrasin has 16 municipalities. He then cites the long list in which health is, but also cites many areas in which the Red Cross is involved. Finally, he salutes and thanks “all the volunteers in the local unit who work daily, with selflessness and dedication, as well as Jeremy Berghem and his elected officials who direct and manage the various teams”.

Jean-Philippe Pessier absent, assistant in charge of social affairs, Nadia Pettin, accompanied by Marie-Christine Piccolo who reads the mayor’s message “With this store, the Red Cross acquires space, diversifying the visibility on the shelves. This new store contributes to the revitalization of the city center, a goal clearly defined by the municipality.This is how the Red Cross demonstrates its local roots, stronger, more important, more ambitious with the same goal always to support the most vulnerable, and sometimes too. Much from the side of our community. I salute all the stewards and volunteers who will continue the unshakable chain of solidarity that motivates them to Altruism related to the body.

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Before the Cup of Friendship ended this wonderful opening, many of the audience took time to browse through the many shelves well stocked with quality products that will surely delight Castelsarrasinois and other people in the sector who will certainly not hesitate to come and shop at this new store in the city of counties.

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