Monureux-sur-Saone.  Shared laundry and forest education space

Monureux-sur-Saone. Shared laundry and forest education space

Ahead of the town council, Jackie Frémont, departmental delegate for the Heritage Foundation, came to discuss launching a public offering related to the restoration of the Prussian Bath and the creation of a forest education space. The association is currently working to preserve the endangered local heritage in all its diversity: bathhouse, castle, houses of worship, etc. Thus, the heritage institution participates in the revitalization of local life, the creation of job opportunities and the transfer of knowledge.

Then Jackie Fremont spoke about the subscription that would last for the duration of the works. Launched next September, in connection with the renovation of the laundromat as well as the creation of a forest education space, further funding will be provided by the State and the Grand Est as well as by the District Council. 2,712 projects were supported in 2020, and €65 million was donated to town halls, of which €497 million of works were supported.

During the Municipal Council, after the renewal of membership in the various structures: SDANC, Association of Village Mayors, Computing Union, Heritage Foundation, Conservatoire of Natural Spaces of Lorraine … The budget for local associations of 12,500 euros was discussed. The council decided to approve the payment of a competition fund to the municipal community in order to co-finance the restructuring of the local nursery to the amount of €8,240.75.

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