Montpellier.  Video: “Doing Science Differently” Thanks to New Experimental Greenhouses

Montpellier. Video: “Doing Science Differently” Thanks to New Experimental Greenhouses

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National Center for Scientific Research in Montpellier
National Center for Scientific Research in Montpellier (© MF / Metropolitan)

This project was initiated in 2010 by CEFE – Center for Functional and Evolutionary Ecology – and has just opened on Monday 26 June 2023. Carried out in collaboration with the Network of Experimental Greenhouses of Montpellier (RéSEM), this Technology platform for experimentation in ecology Built in CNRS Montpellier.

Experimental greenhouses

This new facility aims to grow and examine plants or other organisms to gauge their relationship to them Climate change or other changes in general. This network of greenhouses, which will complement the research infrastructures of the European Ecotron in Montpellier by providing new tools for Montpellier researchers, has since common platform It will also be available to other Seekers in the city.

The peculiarity of the Montpellier site is the use of scientific greenhouses for its implementation experimental work On different organisms such as plants, insects, fungi or microorganisms.

Environmentally friendly right down to the building

Buildings of 1,000 square meters that are designed to significantly reduce environmental footprint So is their energy and water consumption. Significant savings have been achieved thanks to the installation of 200 square meters of Solar Panels on the roof Water recovery tank rain or even installation systems Adiabatic cooling Instead of an air conditioner (it works on the principle of evaporation of water so that the air is cooled to a comfortable temperature).

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What you should knowUpdated June 27, 2023

The operation represents an investment of 3.395 million euros, including 904,000 euros from the state, 1.726 million euros from the Occitanie/Pyrenees-Mediterranean region, and 765,000 euros from CNRS and Labex CeMeb.

A project that takes its full meaning in the current climate Climate change This makes Montpellier one of the world’s leading sites for research in agricultural engineering, plant biology and the environment.

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