Montpellier.  The university takes a stake in MedXCell Science

Montpellier. The university takes a stake in MedXCell Science

the professor.  Christian Jorgensen, Director of IRBM, and Dr.  Daniel Noel, of INSERM
Professor Christian Jorgensen, Director of IRBM, and Dr Daniel Noel, of INSERM, confirm that MedXCell Science wants to become No.1 in Regenerative Medicine (© D)

University of Montpellier It officially enters the capital la MedXCell Local Startup ScienceIt is a company specializing in the development of cellular therapies for the treatment of osteoporosis, and was founded in 2018 by the University Hospital of Montpellier and the Swiss company MedXCell SA.

An unprecedented public-private partnership

UM President Philippe Oger recalls, “an unprecedented public-private partnership that resulted from an ambitious collaboration carried out for several years between researchers from UM, CHU, Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Biotherapy (IMRB) and MedXCell.”

“UM prefers links with companies, in particular with young people who depend on the research work of our laboratories.”

Philip OggyPresident of the University of Montpellier

MedXCell, which develops cell therapies for a wide range of diseases, is relying on its subsidiary MedXCell Science in Montpellier to accelerate treatment of osteoporosis by developing cell therapy based on stromal stromal cells (MSCs).

In the “feed protection and care” strategy

For the Rector of the University, this entry into the capital of MedXCell illustrates the UM’s strategy that favors links with companies, “especially with young people who rely on the research work of our laboratories,” and -il defines: “Entering MedXCell Science’s capital is a typical achievement of a global UM focused strategy On three societal issues: nutrition, care and protection.

MedXCell Science: A Great Future for Regenerative Medicine?

Building on the work of Professor Christian Jorgensen, Director of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Biotherapy (IRMB: Inserm Research Institute, CHU and University of Montpellier), Professor John de Vos (UM-CHU) and Dr. Daniel Noel (Inserm), MedXCell Science aims to be number one in Regenerative Medicine. It is currently located in the IMRB-linked Cyborg biotechnology incubator based on CHU’s Gui de Chauliac – Saint-Eloi campus in Montpellier and should soon expand its presence to the university campus.

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