Montpartier.  At the age of twenty, Salome released her second novel

Montpartier. At the age of twenty, Salome released her second novel

Currently, a young film student, Salome Belheran, a young Montpartier resident, has been writing since she was very young. Through her stories, she imagines a personal world in which she explores topics dear to her. Passionate about science fiction and action suspense, she in turn set out to develop her first novel, “MARS,” when she was just 17 years old. This first volume was released by Sydney Laurent in April 2020, and leads to a second edition titled MARS Némésis, published by the same publisher in April 2022. Combining science fiction and polaroids, his novels are for young people, but not only. Salome says, “It is a matter of pride to see young people, or even young ones, fleeing when they read my novels. The characters. And I hope to be able, on my scale, to allow some awareness.”

If the novels make up the first two volumes of a trilogy, they can be read completely independently. Available to order at any bookstore in France, “MARS” and “MARS Némésis” can also be purchased on the Sydney Laurent eBooks website.

“Today I chose pen and picture to express myself, continues the young writer, because art is and always will be my life and my personality. But I sincerely encourage each of us to find what makes him unique in this world and jump into it.”

You can follow Salome on social networks where she keeps updated information about her novels.

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Instagram: @Juste_Salome; Facebook: @Salomé Bilheran.

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