Montesou: Youth Space «Montso News

Sat Apr 30 2022 at 03:52 AM

120 young people attended the temple during the April holidays

If for some vacations are synonymous with boredom, this was not the case for the 120 young people registered with the Montcellien Youth Space. Indeed, under the direction of Deputy Director Dylan Bechet and a great team of illustrators, the young Montcellians, aged between 11 and 17, made fond memories.

Thus, the five scheduled trips filled up very quickly (48 guys max). It must be said that the selection of these has made followers: Accrobranches Givry, Rulantica (Europa Park), guided tours of the cities of Chalon (game laser and virtual reality), Autun (bike rail) and CeltÔ in Bourbon Lancy (wellness center).

The young people also went for a two-day walk to Mont Saint Vincent and many sports, cultural and multi-generational activities.

“We have also invited different associations such as Jet Découverte, Arc Club Montceau Bourgogne, Lutte et Forme and the Olympic Ministerial Committee of Saône-et-Loire, as well as La Joyeuse Pétanque.

A very nice holiday to put it away in the very good memories section.

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