Modave wants to create a friendly space on the Place de Stée

Modave wants to create a friendly space on the Place de Stée

The file that is still a file“Raw draft, nothing final”Especially saves to create a joyful space.“We could, for example, create a petanque court and a children’s unit”. The creation of green spaces is also envisaged.“But all this will be done without losing the parking spaces. We will keep them because we need them for school and during football matches.”Speaking of school, we won’t touch the pavement right in front.

But if we don’t touch anything, where are we going to put the new facilities?“We plan to remove part of the road(Editor’s note: Those found only in the Strée torso extension.)

We will not cross nationalism anymore

Thus, the square of the new appearance will not allow motorists from the Tige de Strée to cross the national road directly to go to the Bouis Rosine Street. Moreover, it is the will of the Commune.“The junction is very dangerous. Cars coming from the Road do not see those coming from the right who, often, do not respect the speed limit.”

To go to Bois Rosen Street, motorists will have to make a loop.“They will clash nationally for a few metres, before turning left(Editor’s note: Right after the bus stop).

The project, whose costs have yet to be determined, will be supported by up to 80% if selected.“And even if it is not kept, we will keep it in our drawers and we will take it out on another occasion.”concludes Bruno D. Mullen.

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