Miss France 2022: Who are the nominees?

Miss France 2022: Who are the nominees?

sUI to succeed Amandine Petit? Saturday night’s response to TF1’s annual coronation, it remains popular: Despite constant criticism, Miss France is already a highly-watched show, with a record audience of 8.6 million viewers last year. the point It helps you to choose between the contenders. Here are my five favourites.

Miss Alsace, the most famous

While social networking is making a difference, Misses who already have very popular accounts have an advantage. In this mini-game, Miss Alsace Cecile Wolfrum dominates her sisters by amassing 85,000 subscribers on Instagram, the capital of fans who can make the difference in the final votes. Followed closely by Léna Massinger, Miss Champagne-Ardenne, with 50,000 subscribers … Cécile l’Alsacienne, originally from Strasbourg, is in the sixth year of pharmacy and dreams of creating a biologically responsible cosmetics company, with 100% French production. his models? Simone Fell, for her bravery, and Marie Curie pioneered the sciences.

Miss Normandy, head and legs

With a 17 out of 20 on the general culture test, Miss Normandy Yousra Askari is first in the class, ahead of Miss Aquitaine (15.5/20) and Miss Pays de la Loire (15/20). Those with the best scores are at an advantage as they are sure to be on the list of finalists for the event. Over the past ten years, four Miss France have finally been crowned with the best Miss France average. Yusra Askari is in her second year of master’s degree at Staps in Rouen and would like to work in rehabilitation centers. She plays guitar, loves to sing, and does the high jump in competition…just enough to let her overcome obstacles.

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Miss Nord-Pas-de-Calais, the challenger

Donatella Meden must be watched closely: she can count on her entire region to support her, knowing that over the past six years, Nord-Pas-de-Calais has won three crowns, which means whether the statistics are in favor of the candidate … Not to mention that Miss Meden has many Assets up her sleeve: She’s tried her hand at modeling, speaks four languages ​​(Croatian, English, Spanish and Russian), swims and pursues a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and Communication in Luxury and Fashion. And she has no tongue in her pocket: To those who criticize competition, Al Shetty replies that “a true feminist is one who accepts that women are free to do whatever they want.”

Miss Tahiti, the hottest

If Tumateata Buisson enters the competition, it is a tribute to her mother, who died of cancer three years ago. She loved the show and wanted to see her daughter take part in the adventure. And when Tomatiata tightened her head with Miss Tahiti’s crown, her first words were clear to her: “I am sure she is proud of me… While ill, Miss Tahiti was a means of escape in escorting her daughter. To help me become the woman she wanted me to be.” The young woman, Responsible for tourism communication, gracefully bears her hybridity: “I have Asian ancestry, a Tahiti first name and a French name,” she asserts proudly.

Miss Ron Alp, mentality of steel

Be careful, and under her charming face, Charlotte Fore hides the mood of a real competitor: she is undoubtedly the most athletic among the candidates, and she practices volleyball in particular in the Women’s National 2 National. But she also loves hiking, skiing and snowboarding. Swimming … “Sport is essential to me, because I need it in order to excel myself, to be in good shape mentally and physically,” she admitted. in a Paris Match. Currently in the last year of BTS contact in Isère, later she wants to work in journalism or sporting events… The crown may open the doors of the media for her tomorrow.

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