Misinformation among young people: what should we teach them?

Misinformation among young people: what should we teach them?

Clearly, misinformation is nothing new. However, fake news and other rumors spread very easily and very widely on the Internet and on social media.

How are young people armed against misinformation? Are they most at risk? Isabelle Bourgogne talks about this with:

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So you don’t miss any scientific news and know all about our efforts to fight fake news and misinformation!

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I vote for science It airs Mondays at 1 p.m. on all five regional stations VM Radio. Hosted by Isabelle Bourgogne. Research to offer: Isabelle Bourgogne. You can also listen to us, among others, on CHOQ (Toronto), CFOU (Trois-Rivières) and CIAX (Windsor).

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