Minérapolis takes place on Chambon Square, this weekend

Minérapolis takes place on Chambon Square, this weekend

Fossils and minerals have been on display in the Chambon de Cusset space from yesterday until Sunday evening, on the occasion of the fourth edition of the Minérapolis exhibition organized by the association Loisirs et voyages avec les Chiens Verts.

Twenty-five exhibitors, coming from all over France, present metals from all over the world. Collectors, enthusiasts and simple visitors were able to discover, buy and even exchange very beautiful pieces, competing in shapes and colors, amazing wonders shaped by nature over the centuries.

world geodes

Laurent Godefroy, an exhibitor from Sarthe, has captivated visitors with his educational exhibit about geodes of the world, illustrating the creation of these crystal-lined rock cavities, which can reach such dimensions that, like Mexico’s Naica, a real cave. Near the house, a very impressive group of Auvergne amethysts attracted attention. Triceratops, an iconic dinosaur that lived 87 million years ago in North America, sits in the center of the living room, not going unnoticed. The 6-meter “monster” was presented by paleontologist Francois Esquille, the owner of a large number of very ancient fossils, and for some originals, such as the teeth of Megalodon, a giant shark that inhabited the oceans several million years ago. . “Taking into account the size of the teeth, we estimate,” explains this specialist, the size of the megalodon between 15 and 20 meters! ”

Exercise. This original and captivating show runs on Sunday, August 29, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Entrance: 2 Free for under 6 years old. Health permit requested.

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