Microsoft considers 10 years “enough” for Sony to compete with Call of Duty |  Xbox One

Microsoft considers 10 years “enough” for Sony to compete with Call of Duty | Xbox One

Still in this context of anticipation in the face of the conclusions of the CMA expected on April 26th, Microsoft and Sony are engaged in an unprecedented media and diplomatic duel. Microsoft said today that versions of Call of Duty intended for Sony consoles could be better optimized, but that’s not the only argument Microsoft should try to push forward.

10 years of Call of Duty access, is it enough to develop a new FPS at Sony?

This new data comes from Microsoft’s response to the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). The Redmond Company renews its desire to release every new Call of Duty game available on PlayStation on the same day as Xbox for ten years, with full parity in terms of content and features.

However, Microsoft also claims that 10 years will be enough for Sony to develop a competitor or at least a serious alternative to Call of Duty in response to one of the CMA’s questions:

Microsoft considers 10 years to be sufficient for Sony, as a leading console publisher and platform, to develop alternatives to CoD.

The ten-year period will extend to the next generation of consoles. In addition, the practical effect of the repair will extend beyond the ten-year period, as games that were downloaded within the last year of the repair will be able to continue to be played for the life of that console. (and beyond that, thanks to backwards compatibility). “

When we know the cultural impact and popularity of the Call of Duty license, we can ask ourselves questions about this new assertion from Microsoft. Sony has made it clear on the contrary that it would be impossible to replace Call of Duty if the license disappeared from its consoles and this observation seems rather realistic.

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This is certainly not the best argument for Redmond but it will be necessary to wait for the CMA’s ruling which must make a decision on the agreement by April 26th.

To find all the key points of the Activision-Blizzard-Microsoft case, we advise you to watch our video summary to understand all about the issues surrounding the Microsoft-Blizzard takeover, as well as our full dossier on the subject.

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