Mexico prevents a caravan of 300 migrants

Mexico prevents a caravan of 300 migrants

Some immigrants had taken the route, Saturday, August 28, 2021, from Tapachula, Chiapas.

A caravan of about 300 migrants, most of them from Central America, was detained on Monday, August 30 in the southern Mexican state of Chiapas, as they wanted to reach the border with the United States, according to police.

This group, made up mostly of Guatemalans, Hondurans, Salvadorans and a few Haitians, was stopped on their march toward the border by an enforcing apparatus of the National Guard, according to a report from the Chiapas State Police. Mexican immigration officers then screened these migrants, including women and children, before arresting 80 of them.

27,500 security forces were deployed on the border

According to local media videos, migrants threw stones at the National Guard who were blocking them on the road. This group of immigrants, which initially consisted of 700 people, had left Tapachula on Saturday near the border with Guatemala. But after several confrontations with the police, many of them, mostly families, preferred to abandon their trip.

Those who managed to escape a police search took refuge in the communities set up in this area before regrouping to resume their journey. Another caravan of about 200 migrants left the same city on Monday, still aiming to reach the United States to find sanctuary there.

These caravans of immigrants, many of them minors, have multiplied since US President Joe Biden came to power. Mexico has deployed more than 27,500 armed forces personnel to its northern and southern borders to deal with these waves of migration.

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This article is reserved for our subscribers Read also Washington and Mexico City search for solutions to the immigration crisis

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