Mediators in the civil service in La Molière-Sornin

Mediators in the civil service in La Molière-Sornin

Focus – Once again this year, the Vercors Regional Natural Park and the Vercors Massif commune community have invited young civil servants to carry out a mediation process at the La Molière-Sornaine site. A delicate natural space that is very popular among visitors and therefore requires the prevention of inappropriate behavior, as well as the coexistence of different uses.

Operation successfully started in 2021, renewed in 2022: Vercors Regional Nature Park and the Vercors Massif . Municipalities Community The CCMV has called on civil service volunteer mediators to inform, guide and raise awareness among visitors to the ENS of La Molière-Sornin. All on the basis of a six-month CDD, effective June 2022.

Jacques Adenot, president of the Vercors Regional Natural Park, and Jean-Paul Ozel, deputy environmentalist at Villard de Lan.  © Muriel Budwing - Bliss Grinnite

Jacques Adenot, president of the Vercors Regional Natural Park, and Jean-Paul Ozel, deputy environmentalist at Villard de Lan. © Muriel Budwing – Bliss Grinnite

There are many issues for sensitive natural areas. More specifically during a hot, dry summer such as the summer of 2022, which weakens animals and plants and increases the risk of fire. Thus, Vercors is not the only one involved, as evidenced by the outreach operations carried out by Chamros Municipal Police at the site of Lake Ashhard, another lake from the Isere.

Sometimes a complex coexistence of different uses

Missions for young recruits? ” Guide visitors, inform them, welcome them … and help the public understand the area so that they can take possession of it and defend the common good Jacques Adnott, president of the Vercors Regional Natural Park, explains. Not forgetting to prevent unwanted behavior, but also conflict of use.

Vercors: intermediaries in the civil service of La Molière-Sornin

The delicate natural space of La Molière-Sornin. © Elsa Langet

Vercors PNR is already a workplace for some. At the La Molière-Sornin site, it is not uncommon for loggers to be prevented from removing their wood when visitors stand in front of the parapets.

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As for hunters, they hardly appreciate the presence of racers or mountain bikes. ” They feel that any activity outside their activities disrupts the game ”, summarizes Jean-Paul Ozil, Deputy Environment at Villard de Lans A community delegate within the CCMV where he is a member of the Agriculture and Forestry Commission.

To deal with potentially stormy situations, the civil services have benefited from specific training that lasts for two weeks. On the one hand Get to know the area better On the other hand, for Understand the problem of multiple use [et] Nonviolent Communication Finally, with a real balance of environmental protection, openness to the public and a range of uses.

Between understanding and punishment

Whether it’s waste deposits, ignition fires, or trampling on plants, inappropriate behavior does not decrease, Jack Adnott points out. Like those trail runners who disturb the wildlife by climbing too high, or mountain bikers who create new “wild” routes by sharing them online.

Another problem: the dogs are not leashed, which is a danger to wildlife, but also … to themselves. The flocks are already guarded by patous and Portuguese mountain dogs where Anatolian Shepherd Dogs Which can pose a great danger to their fellow creatures.

Vercors: mediators in the civil service of La Molière-Sornin Jacques Adenot along with four young men in the civil service, Thomas Dutreix, Doriane Poiret, Alexandre Vulant and Aline Lefebvre.  © Muriel Budwing - Bliss Grinnite

Jacques Adenot alongside four young men in the civil service, Thomas Dautrex, Dorian Poiret, Alexandre Volant and Alain Lefevre. © Muriel Budwing – Bliss Grinnite

Working in pairs, mediators should act as a pedagogical method in counteracting these behaviors. And if Jacques Adnotte prefers” understand ” in ” Punishment “The police or the gendarmerie (on horseback) can be called if the abuse continues. Furthermore, the police conduct their own tours of the site. In particular with the services of the National Forestry Office, in the context of fire prevention.

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The motive behind the four civil services 2022? Desire to find or rediscover a stronger connection to nature, but also to defend it. The environmental emergency is really just as much a part of Dorian, Allen, Alexander and Thomas’ interests as it needs to be.

They will have the opportunity to do so until the end of 2022, with a short respite once the summer season is over…because visitors stay very present until the end of the Halloween school holidays!

“A new breath of air for La Molière”

This year again, Vercors Regional Nature Park launched the operation ” A breath of fresh air at La Molière Principle? Banning cars and motorcycles from entering La Molière-Sornin on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, between July 15 and August 16, 2022. With one goal: to reduce the abundance of cars, in a location that has been experiencing real tourist congestion since Covid 2020.

The car park at La Molière can be taken over by a large number of cars.  This is the reason for the operation "A breath of fresh air for Molière" It was launched for the second year in a row in July and August 2022. D

The car park at La Molière can be taken over by a large number of cars. This is why Operation Molière’s Breath of Fresh Air was launched for the second year in a row in July and August 2022. Dr.

We do not wish to block access to this natural site nuggets of the region. On the contrary, we want to make it easier to detect, but by offering different and alternative means of accessing individual vehicles. Hubert Arnault, Mayor of Otrans Meudry-en-Vercors, explained when the process took off. Shuttle buses and mobile elevators are provided for visitors.

If the full evaluation of the 2022 edition of ” Fresh air Expected in September, the mid-term review published in early August was already very positive. Thus, every day between 170 and 200 people have taken the alternative means of access. All this, added the mayor of Utrans, with the full support of the residents of the Vercors plateau, as well as its visitors.

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