Manufacturing of skin masks with Stefano Perocco. Espace Albatross, Feb. 20, 2023, Montreuil.

Manufacturing of skin masks with Stefano Perocco. February 20 – 24 Space Albatross
OPCO Financing Rate (AFDAS, etc.): €978 Personal Financing Rate: €450 Contact us.
From wood matrix carving to the ultimate leather mask. This one week course will take you through all the processes of making a commedia dell arte mask.

Espace Albatros 52 rue de Sergent Bobillot, 93100 Montreuil Montreuil 93100 Seine-St.-Denis Île-de-France

Stefano Perocco has made masks for a large number of companies and schools, designed and built scenography as well as stage sets, and has taught at many academies and universities.

From wood matrix carving to the ultimate leather mask

This one-week course will take you through all the processes of making a commedia dell’arte mask, as perfected by Donato Sartori in the 20th century.

With a historical and technical approach, mask-maker Stefano Perocco accompanies the apprentices in understanding this scenic instrument that for years has been one of the essential protagonists of the theatre.

The trainees leave with their leather masks on.

For actors, sculptors, prop makers, puppeteers, costume designers and all performing arts professionals.

We offer this course once a year.

Access Requirements: Complete the registration form at least two weeks before the start of the course. The Training Director will verify your eligibility no later than ten days before the start of the course. Note: We accompany you to OPCO files, which must be submitted at least one month before the start of the training.

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Start and end dates and times (year-month-day-hour):
2023-02-20 T10:00:00+01:00

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