Mali calls for the immediate withdrawal of the UN mission, MINUSMA

Mali calls for the immediate withdrawal of the UN mission, MINUSMA

the Financial On Friday, June 16, he demanded before the UN Security Council the “withdrawal without delay” of the United Nations Mission from its territory (Minusma), which thus becomes “nearly impossible” according to its leader.

“Realism imposes observing the failure of the MINUSMA, whose mandate does not meet the security challenge,” declared Malian Foreign Minister Abdallah Diop before the council members who must decide on June 29 on the renewal of the mandate of the Malian Cabinet. Peacekeeping mission that ends at the end of the month.

“It seems that Minusma has become part of the problem by fueling communal tensions,” he said, “and this is generating a sense of mistrust among the population regarding Minusma and a crisis of confidence between the financial authorities and Minusma.” From two days ago A referendum organized by the Military Council on a new constitution.

“The government of Mali calls for the immediate withdrawal of MINUSMA. However, the government is ready to cooperate with the United Nations in this perspective,” the minister said, rejecting all options to change the mission’s mandate proposed by the UN Secretary-General. .

These statements raise serious questions about the future of the mission and more than 12 000 army and police.

The President of the Security Council, Al-Ghassim Wani, indicated that renewal or non-renewal “is a decision that must be taken by the Security Council.” He told the press, “Peacekeeping is based on the principle of the consent of the host country, and without this consent, operations are almost impossible.”

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Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio GuterresStressing that the status quo was not viable, he had in January put three options on the table, from a troop surge to a full troop withdrawal if key conditions, including the unimpeded movement of the armed forces, were not met. blue helmet and progress in the political transition.

At the beginning of the week, the council finally recommended the middle ground : “Reshaping” the mission to focus it, with permanent staff, on a limited number of priorities.

Support from Moscow

Friday’s meeting once again demonstrated divisions within the Security Council over the future of MINUSMA, which was created in 2013 to help stabilize a country threatened to collapse under pressure from jihadists, protect civilians, contribute to the quest for peace, and defend human rights…

Several countries (France, the United States, the United Kingdom …) have given their support to MINUSMA.

“This is an important issue for Mali, but also for the stability of the entire region,” stressed French Ambassador Nicolas de Riviere.

And according to the latest report by Antonio Guterres, countries in the region are also “in favor” of preserving it.

The three African members of the Security Council (Mozambique, Ghana and Gabon) assessed on Friday that its continuation “in close cooperation with the Malian authorities is necessary to promote progress towards a lasting peace.”

But the RussiaHaving veto power in the Council, she gave her support to the Malian Military Council, which turned militarily and politically to Moscow. “We believe that any proposal here should be based on the opinion of the host country,” said Russian Ambassador Vasily Nebenzia.

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“The real problem is not the number of blue helmets but their function. One of the main tasks of the Malian government is to combat terrorism, which is not within the competence of the blue helmets,” he said, lamenting once again.

Like Mali, it also considered the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights’ report on the anti-jihadist operation in Mora in 2022 “overtly biased”.

This report accuses the Malian army and “foreign” fighters of executing at least 500 people there. If the United Nations does not identify these “foreigners”, Westerners will directly accuse the Russian private security company Wagner.

“It is up to the transitional financial authorities to choose their partners, but let’s be clear, the Wagner Group, whether operating independently or under direct control of Moscow, is not the answer. Neither in Mali nor anywhere else,” said the British deputy ambassador. James karaoke on friday.

With Agence France-Presse

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