Madeleine Solonia was a vaccine field

Madeleine Solonia was a vaccine field

In July, at least 999 people received an injection of the Covid-19 vaccine in La Ferté-Saint-Aubin.

After the municipality submitted an application, the prefecture approved the Madeleine-Solonia space as a temporary vaccination platform. The first session, from June 21 to 23, was only relatively successful, with a total of three hundred injections.

The second, initially intended only for the second injection, has seen a greater presence due to new government measures, no doubt, to create a health card.

Mornings when injections were without a possible appointment were as busy as afternoons, which are for people registered on Doctolib.

It was noted that the influx of young adults and adolescents, accompanied by at least one parent and some older population, “missed” the first wave of vaccination.

Lorna, 26, from Munich-sur-Loire, came for the first injection, as well as Olivier, 26, from Orleans, for the second.

Logistics was provided by the French Federation of Rescue and First Aid, led by Julien Croix at the site.

The department was run by two municipal agents, three members of the Municipal Emergency Reserve, and two volunteers and volunteers.

Flavi Barudin, the mayor of the municipality, oversaw the process and added that if some people had difficulties with the computer issuing of the health card, the social center could help them.

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