Lucy Gabriel Randouin connects man with the science of tomorrow

Lucy Gabriel Randouin connects man with the science of tomorrow

From the source of his native village to the shores of Mont-Saint-Michel Bay, his work was spearheaded by my great-grandfather, Théophile Lugnoni (1895-1974), founder of Probiomere Industries like other generations of innovators interested in the field of human nutrition, which was still far behind at the time.

Over time, its study became embedded in a global and global food problem, especially during the important Hot Springs Conference organized in 1943 at Roosevelt’s initiative, identifying this question as crucial to the well-being of mankind and a condition for peace in the world.

A recognized researcher and highly sought after expert, Lucy Gabrielle Randoin has represented France, as a French delegate, at the International Conferences on Standardization of Vitamins (June 1931 – June 1934, London, League of Nations). She also participated in scientific conferences: French and foreign (Boston in 1929, Rome in 1932, Madrid in 1934, Brussels in 1935, Constanta in 1936, Basel, Bern and Lausanne in 1950, Rome in 1955 and again Lausanne in 1955).

Its openness to the world has enriched the horizons of the regions as well as the local strategies of the circular sectors. With successful examples of family businesses such as: Calcium Industries, which specializes in calcium feed for livestock, Via Nova Nutrition, which specializes in linseed oil and omega-3 intakes, or Probiomer Industries, which specializes in feed and fertilizers based on marine products; The contribution and diversity of Lucy Gabriel Randouin’s work underscore the extent to which she was able to give meaning to physiocratic ideas whose origin in the eighteenth century rested on knowledge of the so-called natural laws, thus giving priority to agriculture and rational agronomic treatment.

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Physiocracy means “the government of nature.” Also, the Physiocrats defined themselves as “economic philosophers.” By focusing on nutritional intensity as a catalyst of opportunity, Lucy Gabrielle Randouin has been able to always help innovators with little land available to develop, by encouraging a circular economy, local entrepreneurship, and proximity innovation—some of her key strengths.

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