Loudéac Media Library Works: Youth Space in Motion – Loudéac

Loudéac Media Library Works: Youth Space in Motion – Loudéac

It is a large project that will house the Loudéac Media Library within it from Monday 5 December until May 2023. The entire reception and youth department, 244 square meters on the ground floor of the building, will undergo a complete renovation. Reception will be uniquely modified as circulation mechanisms will be installed, allowing media library staff to focus primarily on its mission of bringing information closer to the audience. “We will also have a dedicated youth service office that did not exist until now, with the goal of getting as close as possible to young readers,” specifies Carol Pechorr, Media Library Manager.

Renovation 335,000 euros

In general, the work will concern insulation, but also lighting, walls, floor and acoustics. “All the furniture in the youth area will also be reviewed,” the director adds. “We will construct an airlock with two automated doors to make the facility easier to access for people with limited mobility,” says Anthony Kerrichard, director of technical services for the City of Lodiak. The cost of the renovation is estimated at €335,000, including a 20% subsidy from the Regional Department for Cultural Affairs (Drac).

The Malivel Room Youth Section will only have modified hours of operation on Tuesdays and Fridays with opening at 4:30pm instead of 1:30pm and 12pm respectively.
The Malivel Room Youth Section will only have modified hours of operation on Tuesdays and Fridays, with opening at 4:30pm instead of 1:30pm and 12pm respectively. (The Telegram / Lionel Samson)

Youth section temporarily in Malivel Hall

As a direct result of this work, access to the media library will be via the exterior staircase, except for people with reduced mobility who will be able to use the elevator. Microfolie is suspended during the works. Finally, this week, the Youth Division is closed due to moving into the Malivel Room.

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Reopening to the public is scheduled for Tuesday, December 6, with hours changing on Tuesday and Friday. Carol Peshore warns that “Be careful, children’s books borrowed will be returned at the Malivel Room site and not at the Media Library. For those who have children’s books and other works borrowed, it will therefore be necessary to do both locations.”


The hours of operation for the Malivel Room youth section which is open on Tuesday, December 6th are: Tuesday 4:30pm-6pm, Wednesday 10am-12pm and 1:30pm-6pm Thursday, Reception group Friday from 4:30 PM to 7 PM and Saturday from 10 AM to 12 PM and from 1:30 PM to 5 PM.

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