L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women and Science: 5 young researchers from North Africa received awards

L’Oréal-UNESCO for Women and Science: 5 young researchers from North Africa received awards

63 candidates (doctoral and post-doctoral students) in the Maghreb were selected from 92 eligible applications, by a distinguished jury composed of 5 Maghreb researchers, headed by Professor Ben Jawad, Vice President of the Research and Development Department at the International University of Rabat and Professor of Biology. These promising scientists, coming from Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco, and from very diverse research fields, have received a grant of €10,000, providing them with special support at a pivotal moment in their scientific careers. In addition, the award will help them continue their research work and convey their passion for science, in order to inspire tomorrow’s scientists.

Below are the award-winning researchers:

Marwa Safa Mashwash: “Biosynthesis of silver and gold nanoparticles, and design of lectin nanoconjugates for a targeted therapeutic approach.”
Wafa Babai: “Enhancing the microbial environment of ovarian cancer: new biomarkers for early detection and therapeutic strategies.”
Nisreen Njoo: “Environmental treatment of wastewater using combined fishing products by biocoagulation – biosorption and sludge treatment by vermicomposting.”
Fatima Al-Zahraa Azar: “Developing a new process to extract essential oils from medicinal and aromatic plants. »
Hanan Yaqoubi: “Improving Additive Manufacturing Processes.” »

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