L’Oreal and other companies offer special leave

L’Oreal and other companies offer special leave

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    Recurrent miscarriages affect one in ten women on average, according to a study published in The Lancet. As incredible as it may sound, there is no legal leave of absence for couples going through this ordeal. But more and more companies are shaking things up and offering a specially customized vacation.

    Cosmetics giant L’Oreal is the latest to announce this good news. The company will now offer three days off for women who have had a miscarriage.

    Other companies have already done so

    The news may be more noisy because it’s such a big group. But the award goes to Critizr, a startup specializing in reviews and customer relations, which last May announced its offering “Five days leave for abortion for all its employees as well as for their spouses”, without the need to provide evidence. The audit firm PwC for its part announced in June 2022 a “100% paid abortion stop for both parents”.

    IVF Leave in Kellogs

    Kellogs France goes even further, by including IVF courses on this holiday.

    In the microphone of Laure Closier on BFM Business’s Happy boulot, Group Human Resources Director Lilia Maalel explains the positive side of the procedure for the brand’s employees: “We have to talk about it. What we wanted to say is that it happens and it’s okay. Tell us, we support, we have one-on-one follow-ups and you are surrounded by people from the managers, from the HR team, your colleagues… Talking about it has really liberated the conversation about it” .

    Soon a law in France?

    In March 2021, New Zealand is one of the first countries in the world, if not the first, to introduce leave of absence for abortion or stillbirth. The New Zealand Parliament has passed a law to this effect, giving three days to couples who have fallen victim to this tragedy.

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    What about France now? Practically, the patient can benefit from downtime Dr. Gerald Krzyk says: So there is currently nothing from the point of view of law in France. Let’s hope that mindsets will soon change on this issue and that the country will follow New Zealand’s lead on this issue.

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