Loire.  Saint Martin La Plaine Zoo: Merry Christmas!

Loire. Saint Martin La Plaine Zoo: Merry Christmas!

On July 23, 1972, Pierre and Eileen Thevillon opened a zoo in Saint-Martin-la-Plain. Crazy story, animal love story, audience encounter story.

Exactly fifty years later, the site celebrates. On Saturdays and Sundays, in addition to spotting animals and general feeding highlights, the park will be completely decorated and offer a series of activities: a creative workshop for kids, a giant gorilla to color in, a makeup base and photo station.

Entry is free for those born in 1972

Also to be discovered July 23-29, an exclusive video depicting the history of the park on a giant screen.

Finally, free admission is offered to all persons born in 1972 (upon mandatory presentation of an identity document), until July 31, 2022 inclusive.

The zoological space of Saint-Martin-la-Plaine now hosts over twelve hectares of a thousand animals, mostly monkeys and big cats, of 110 different species. Open every day in summer from 9am to 7pm (until 6pm closes).

The results (correct answers and winners’ names) of the test organized in partnership between Animal Space and our newspaper La Tribune-Le Progrès will be published on Sunday 24 July.


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