Little University Hospital Center

Little University Hospital Center

In the face of the scale of the health disaster associated with the fourth wave of Covid-19, the CHUM administration is recalling all its medical and non-medical staff to return to work. After the holidays are cancelled, this reminder is made by subpoena for court minutes on Monday, August 9, 2021.

The explosion of contamination with the COVID-19 virus is not the only problem affecting the operation of Martinique University Hospital. He must also deal with people management in this time of crisis. For the past week, all holidays have been cancelled.

On Monday, August 9, 2021, the management of CHUM (Center of University Hospital Martinique) called for work with all of its medical and non-medical staff who are currently on leave. Everyone is asked to occupy their workstation.

Thus, the following is the meaning:

  • Nursing staff (nurse, nursing assistant, nursery assistant, nursery assistant, midwife);
  • medical-technical staff (radiologist, physiotherapist, laboratory assistant);
  • Medical personnel.

All of these professions are essential to the proper operation of care services that are currently under stress. The University Hospital Martinique knows that it can count on each of its specialists to collectively undertake these tasks to support the population.

Benjamin Jarrell, Director of Martinique University Hospital

CHU management indicates by noting that the summons by record, will be delivered on Monday to employees who have been on leave.

The reaction of the union is expected…


© Twitter CHU Martinique

This injunction to return to work should return CHUM to a more satisfactory process, pending the arrival of caregivers from France. Olivier Veran, Minister of Solidarity and Health, launched an appeal on his Twitter account yesterday (Sunday, August 8, 2021) to come and help hospitals, especially in the Martinique and Guadeloupe regions.

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For his part, Sebastien Licornu, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sebastian will be in Martinique on Thursday, August 12, 2021, at the same time as the caregivers are deployed as reinforcements.

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