Lissac-et-Mouret.  Den sends young men into space

Lissac-et-Mouret. Den sends young men into space

Wednesday, May 19, in the village hall, in the tea bar room, completely transformed for the occasion, a very original escape game took place.

Five students from IUT in Figeac, Inès, Paloma, Raphaël, Matisse and Yenan animate this fun event, on the theme of space and planets. This educational project was developed as part of their first year training in Marketing Techniques.

Michel Hoare, an English teacher and teacher, contacted Isabelle Guého, director of the Repaire des 2 Vallées, who has partnered as a sponsor for the project. She notes: “It is one of the rare projects that could have been completed this year, with the limitations associated with the pandemic. I thought of Repaire and found Isabelle Géhu a very successful partner. Listen, who is so committed is determined to make this project a success.”

At the entrance to the room where the escape game is being received, Inès confirms: “At first we thought about setting up our project around a bar, but we had a split. It’s an opportunity for us to work with Repaire. This is an important step in our training.” “We created this animation with our own hands for the news of space travel. We are proud to have succeeded,” Mattis added.

In the morning, 22 children from the entertainment center, ages 6 to 11, had to solve seven puzzles by searching for hidden and encrypted clues, within 45 minutes.

In the afternoon, it was the turn of teenagers, in groups of five to six participants.

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At the end of a course conducted in a semi-dark, full of secrets and where we can discover the properties of our solar system, each one successfully passed the tests and left with an escape game diploma.

A great success, in the opinion of all participants and organizers, rewards the preparation and development work that began four months ago.

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