Le Solaire: a new space dedicated to childhood

Le Solaire: a new space dedicated to childhood

Récré-en-Têt, the new space dedicated to childhood © Ville du Soler
Récré-en-Têt, the new space dedicated to childhood © Ville du Soler

The city of Solaire is preparing to celebrate a defining moment in education and entertainment. After months of work by the Municipal Technical Service and agents of the Children and Sports Department, the new children’s space is now ready to open its doors for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Throughout the summer, these committed teams have worked tirelessly to ensure this new space is operational from September 4th. It has taken hours of planning, coordination and effort to provide the children with a safe, modern and stimulating environment.

This journey has not been without challenges. After a consultation with citizens in July, with the aim of renaming the institution, I hear the voice of Solerins, elected officials as well as the Municipal Youth Council. Thus the name “Récré-en-Têt” was chosen unanimously. This decision embodies the shared vision of a place where children can play, learn and grow together.

However, choosing a name was just the first step. Throughout the summer, the teams had to work hard to bring the organization back to life. The building has been cleaned, renovated and standards raised in order to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all. The municipality’s technical services agents worked tirelessly in various fields such as plumbing, construction, painting and electricity. A technical room was built and a new kitchen specially equipped with a professional hood, two refrigerated cabinets and an air conditioner were installed. All works carried out comply with the most stringent safety, hygiene and food standards.

What particularly distinguishes “Récré-en-Têt” is the attention to the smallest details in its design. Each room has been designed taking into account the special needs associated with the age of children. It will not only accommodate leisure centres, but will also house Relais Petite Enfance (RPE).

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The opening of “Récré-en-Têt” is now imminent. Children of the leisure center will be received from Wednesday, September 6, and the building will be inaugurated in the presence of financial partners on Wednesday, September 27 at 5 p.m.

written by Roussillon Week
3 hours ago

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