Le Kafteur has launched a petition against Laiterie’s expansion project

Le Kafteur has launched a petition against Laiterie’s expansion project

Part of the Espace K performance hall in Strasbourg will be dedicated to the neighboring La Laiterie, which will be expanded. The decision of the municipality the owner of the property does not pass.

“No to the Project to Undermining Captor Activity Within K-Space”. Le Kafteur Society launched in Strasbourg petition This Monday against the town hall project that will cut down part of the theater he uses under the banner “Space K”.

This truncated part will benefit La Laiterie, which is run by the association Artefact, which is calling for expansion works. according to Rue 89, StrasbourgLa Laiterie’s small concert hall, called Le Club, will move into the building used by Espace K.

This decision, made at the last city council, could come into force in early 2026, and it does not pass the members of Kaftor who consider themselves “deeply hurt”.

“We are more than skeptical of the possibilities of managing, sharing and aggregating such diverse spaces in their art project, operation and economic model,” they wrote in their petition.

The choice is made on the side of the town hall. “It is a cultural heritage belonging to the city. We are the guarantors of the best use and sharing. The era is gone when there was only one representative, one use. We must share”, considers Siamak Agha Babi, first vice-mayor of Strasbourg. “Spaces are not shared equitably,” adds the space pick.

Despite this decision by the municipality, which does not wish to reconsider its decision, the petition has already collected nearly 1,900 signatures on Wednesday evening.

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